Press — Racked
Where Can I Find a Camel Robe Coat That Doesn’t Look Like a Bathrobe?
Genuine People, a contemporary line based in San Francisco and Shanghai, has three: the Oversized Belted Wool Coat for $260, the Heavy Oversized Wool Coat for $295, and the Wrap Wool Coat...
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Five of Fall’s Biggest Silhouettes to Shop Now
One of the most anticipated parts of fall — second only to parting ways with the central air bill — is wearing clothes you can actually breathe in again. This season introduces and revisits silhouettes that are longer, wider, and more fluid, while still reading refined.
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The Most Essential Online Shopping Destinations
These days, anyone with a smart phone and a wifi connection (read: pretty much everyone) is doing the bulk of their shopping on the internet. Amazon Prime and Asos have made it easier than ever to fill a closet, and the options on the world wide web are quite literally endless, but there are a few sites that set themselves above the rest...
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